Everyone asks...

Why learn music?

Learning a musical instrument would add a hugely beneficial, impressive skill to your existing talents. It increases reaction time, co-ordination, muscle strength and power, and is likely to aid in holistic development with general life skills, for example confidence. But most of all, learning a musical instrument is a whole lot of fun!


Lessons will take place at the student's school in a room allocated by the school.

How is payment organised?

Payment is organised through us. You will be invoiced in advance and pay termly. Payment is accepted by bank transfer.

Group or individual lessons?

Individual lessons prove a much better way of learning. Everyone learns music at a different pace and through different teaching techniques. Group lesson improvement tends to be slow and members of the group can only progress as fast as their weakest member. However group lessons can help motivate other students. All our lessons will be taught individually unless the school specifically requests group lessons.

What instruments do you currently offer?

Depending on the location of the school and the amount of interested students, we currently offer:

  • piano

  • guitar

  • ukulele

  • singing

  • violin

  • cello

  • bass guitar

  • drums

  • recorder

  • flute

  • clarinet

  • saxophone

If your child would like to learn an instrument that is not currently on our list, please let us know and we will do our best to fulfil your requirements.


Parents ask...

How much does it cost?

Lessons are 20 minutes and cost $25, payable termly in advance of the term. Lessons are run during school term time so the number of lessons each term would depend on the school term dates. Most students start with 20 minute lessons, and if the teacher feels that 30 minutes would be more suitable due to the standard of playing, or if working towards an exam, they will let us know and we can contact you to see if this would be an option for you.

Do I need to buy an instrument for my child?

Not necessarily. When learning a new instrument, it is sometimes best to hire that instrument for the first few months. This way, you and your child are sure that they are going to continue and you can look into purchasing your own instrument. Let us know if you are interested in hiring or purchasing an instrument as we can either offer advice, or help organise this for you.

My child's never had music lessons before, will they cope?

As the lessons are only 20-30 minutes in duration, most children can cope very well. Having one-on-one attention helps a great deal. Also, with the lessons taking part during the school day, students tend to be more focused and less tired.

I've got more than one child who's interested, do you do a discount?

We offer a discount of 10% on our termly fees for families booking in for 3 or more 20-minute lessons through us (or for two or more 30-minute lessons).

My child has a learning difficulty. Are lessons suitable?

Absolutely! As the lessons are individual, we cater each lesson to every individual and their specific needs and goals. We do ask that parents disclose as much information as possible during the enrolment process, as this helps our staff to fully prepare for lessons. Our staff have lots of experience working with different special needs students and always continue to research the best teaching techniques to make sure the student fully understands the content, whilst having fun at the same time.




Schools ask...

How much will this service cost for the school?

There is no cost for the school.

I've not heard of this set up, is it popular?

This set up has been working successfully in England for years. It is very popular with parents as it is a fantastic opportunity for their children to take part in extra curricular activities, and a big bonus is that it takes place during the school day. Schools massively benefit from using our service as being able to provide music lessons at school enhances the schools offering to prospective parents and pupils. Where similar agencies exist in the UK, students have gone on to work in professional music, and many have toured across the world with orchestras and bands set up through the agency, proving how successful the service can be.

How much space does this service require?

A very minimal space is required - a small office size is absolutely fine. Ideally, a closable space is more suitable to minimise disruption to the rest of the school. We have used wet play areas, classrooms, undercover areas, out of school club rooms and meeting rooms. We are as flexible as possible!

What will our school need to provide?

We usually ask for a desk/table, 2 chairs and if possible or available - two music stands, a drum kit (if offering drum lessons) and a piano. If the school does not have these, we can provide what is necessary. We usually ask if we can store this in the teaching room so it is there every week.